This webpage is a place for us to record an account of our travels as we tow our caravan halfway around Australia. Thank you for dropping by to pay us a visit!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ellis Beach

  We're about to have a barbeque and get the kids to bed early after a long, relaxing day at Ellis Beach.  I think the pictures and captions will tell today's story!
The children wanted to go and play on the beach at six this morning, and by seven Esther had made this mermaid.

There was only one way to stop them asking for the fiftieth time WHEN we were going to take them to the pool!

Morning tea- mangoes fallen from a nearby tree!



Anonymous said...

Wow - looks and sounds fantastice! What temperature is it? Hope you have a lovely holiday, staying in one place for a week and just being able to soak it all in. Good time for thinking and reflecting too, I guess. You are lucky. Thinking of you! Love from Henkela

Anonymous said...

Hi Amaria, I've visited again....looks beautiful and peaceful....did you have the beach to yourselves? Thinking of you! Love from Kaarina

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! It looks so lovely and peaceful! I love your son's seaweed hair do! =) Great mermaid too! Very cute and creative.

Hope you have a great week!

Anna N said...

Wow you really are situated right on the beach front aren't you? I had to laugh about the kids being on the beach at 6 in the morning. At least you can watch them from the caravan.